
Posts Tagged ‘Photoshop’

For the last two weeks, my students have been working on independent study projects. They chose topics from the units that were most interesting to them. Then they did more in depth research, and wrote a paper based on this information.

The final part of their independent study required that they somehow present what they learned to the class in a tangible and meaningful way. Some students wrote poetry, some created collages, paintings, or sculptures, one made a website, another a video. It was great fun to see how their minds work, and to see how creative they could be in expressing themselves.

I was blown away by the following project. One of my students, asked if he could make artwork using Photoshop. I expected something amateurish, but the following are the pieces he created. I knew I had to share them, and asked for his permission to post them here. This kid has a future in graphic design I think!

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